MCP7940  v1.2.0
Arduino Library for the MCP7940N and MCP7940M Real-time clocks
SetAlarms.ino File Reference
#include <MCP7940.h>


enum  alarmTypes {
  matchSeconds, matchMinutes, matchHours, matchDayOfWeek,
  matchDayOfMonth, Unused1, Unused2, matchAll,


void setup ()
void loop ()


const uint32_t SERIAL_SPEED {115200}
 Set the baud rate for Serial I/O.
const uint8_t LED_PIN {13}
 Arduino built-in LED pin number.
const uint8_t SPRINTF_BUFFER_SIZE {32}
 Buffer size for sprintf()
const uint8_t ALARM1_INTERVAL {15}
 Interval seconds for alarm.
MCP7940_Class MCP7940
 Create instance of the MCP7940M.
char inputBuffer [SPRINTF_BUFFER_SIZE]
 Buffer for sprintf() / sscanf()

Detailed Description


Example program for using the MCP7940 library which demonstrate the use of alarms on the MCP7940N/M real time clock chip. The library as well as the most current version of this program is available at GitHub using the address and a more detailed description of this program can be found at

The MCP7940 library uses the standard SPI Wire library for communications with the RTC chip and has also used the class definitions of the standard RTClib library from Adafruit/Jeelabs.

The data sheet for the MCP7940M is located at The MCP7940N has extra functionality revolving around battery backup but this library's functionality covers that chip as well.

The MCP7940 has two alarms that can be set. Either can be set to trigger once at a specific point in time or can be set to be a recurring alarm. When the alarm goes off it sets an alarm bit which can be read using the the library routine getAlarmState() or via an input pin if the MCP7940's multifunction pin is attached to it.

This example program sets alarm 0 to trigger every time the RTC's seconds reads "0". Alarm 1 is set to trigger at a time "ALARM1_INTERVAL" seconds from the last time it was triggered.

GNU General Public License v3.0

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


Written by Arnd Arnd@.nosp@m.Zand.nosp@m.uino..nosp@m.Com at


VersionDate Developer Comments
1.0.3 2020-11-16 SV-Zanshin Issue #50 - Reformatted with clang-format
1.0.2 2019-01-19 SV-Zanshin Changed comments to doxygen formatting
1.0.1 2018-07-07 SV-Zanshin Changed code for compatability reasons to new library
1.0.0 2017-07-29 SV-Zanshin Initial coding

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ alarmTypes

enum alarmTypes

///< Enumeration of MCP7940 alarm types

Function Documentation

◆ loop()

void loop ( )

Arduino method called after setup() which loops forever

◆ setup()

void setup ( )

Arduino method called once upon start or restart.